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Or Post Your Favorite Memory of Kelly, for Jimmy and the boys!

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Hi to Kelly DaSilva’s boys. I was customer/coworker of your Mama for many years, and here’s story showing that out the hundreds people in our department, she was the very supportive & good:

At last second , my boss said give system status presentation in front of whole department. So I was nervous and showing things to audience. And your Mom was the one leaning forward, making eye contact w me, smiling/nodding , when I started.

It gave me confidence that I was maybe doing well, and I finished presentation w no mistakes. I hope her supportive personality rubs off on her sons and everyone 🙂


One of the most helpful people I’ve ever met at Qualcomm. Wanted to message her today, but she had been offline for a while. Thought that she had changed companies.

It was an honor working with her. She always went out her way to teach, mentor and show how the whole system worked. Truly an amazing person.

Manjinder Sandhu

One of the most wonderful person I worked at Qualcomm. A great mentor with an awesome happy attitude. She always went above and beyond whenever I needed help. She was one truly blessed soul and wish I had spent some more time with her.

Jim Cochran

I’m absolutely heart broken for all who loved Kelly. So cute, bright, warm, smart, you name it. I do recall a time that my band was playing at Penn State, it was a large crowd with a big light show. We were about three songs in and killing it when all of the power went out. No sound and the stage lights went out. I looked over and there was little Kelly grabbing a beer out of a cooler and she had accidently kicked out an extension cord. She just looked up with those pretty eyes, put her hand over her mouth and said, “oops!” LOL!! How could I get mad? I will miss you Peanut.